Child development stages first month He cries whenever he feels hungry and whenever he hears a loud noise ← second month Your baby begins to recognize your voice, see your face, and smile at you ← third month Your baby will grow accustomed to you and will be able to move his head and lift it slightly ← Fourth month Your baby smiles at familiar faces and sleeps well at night ← fifth month Your baby enjoys playing, laughing, and sleeping ← sixth month Your baby He can sit down in the walk and begin eating ← Seventh month Your baby begins crawling and is able to hold games in his hands and clap ← Eighth month Yor baby exploring the surroundings, books, images, and love music ← Ninth month Your baby attempting to walk while standing without support ← Tenth Month Your baby turns when someone calls to him\ her and walks when someone takes his\ her hands ← eleventh month Your baby can walk one or two steps and can throw things with his\ her hands ← Twelfth Month Your baby individually done things and enjoys trying new foods. ← Show more