Your three-month-old baby is growing rapidly in this period; developing motor skills, social and emotional communication skills, sensory development, language skills, and cognitive abilities. In this month, you will notice that your baby’s face has filled out and taken on a beautiful shape, and his little arms and legs are getting larger, in addition, your baby will need bigger clothes.
This month marks your baby’s official transition from newborn to toddler. He still has a lot to learn, and he must have realized by now that there is more to life than eating, sleeping, and changing diapers! However, there are still some challenges to the baby’s development this month, and fatigue and exhaustion are normal.
In this article, we will look at what to expect from your three-month-old baby, as well as nutrition, sleep, the best methods of health care, and health and safety advice.
A three-month-old baby’s weight and length: your baby has grown considerably since birth. When he is three months old, he weighs twice as much as he did at birth. His length is about 61.4 cm for male babies and 59.4 cm for female babies.
Hand Control: During this month, your baby will begin to use his hands to get what he wants. He’ll also try to get to things, and he’ll sometimes take heavy blows to catch them. Even a three-month-old baby can catch and shake toys. Your baby will also easily put his hands on his mouth, and open and close his fists easily. Furthermore, during tummy time, he can rely on his hands to raise his head and chest.
Hand-Eye Coordination: Previous manual skills are due to your baby’s improved hand-eye coordination. This means he can coordinate his hand movement with anything he sees; for example, if he sees a game and is drawn to it, he will work hard to try to reach it.
Leg strength: In addition to hand muscle strength, your baby gains leg muscle strength. This is evident by how he stretches and kicks his legs when lying on his stomach or back, and how he tries to stand up when his feet are placed on a hard surface.
If you’ve been waiting for your baby to be more interactive with those around him or her, this is the month to start. Your baby can track things and people with his own eyes and recognize you from a distance. In addition, your baby can interact with you and those around him with a beautiful smile, which can sometimes develop into a beautiful laugh.
Rolling and somersaulting: Your baby is attempting to roll over and move from his tummy to his back at the end of this month. Babies usually master this skill around 5 months of age, but they begin practicing now. Your baby is thrilled and surprised the first time he successfully turns.
A three-month-old baby’s food
The baby is still feeding frequently, but not as frequently as a newborn. His feeding routine will become more consistent, and you will be able to predict when your baby will need to be fed. Also, it is preferable for the mother to stick to exclusive breastfeeding and not feed her baby any other food or liquids until he is 4 to 6 months old because your baby’s digestive system is not ready to receive food until he is 4 to 6 months old.
Your three-month-old baby should breastfeed at least eight times in 24 hours if you follow the breastfeeding system, but some children feed more or less. It is critical that your child finish one breast before giving the other.
When it comes to formula-fed, you can extend the time between feedings by up to four hours. Babies at this age typically require 180 to 240 mL per feed, but the exact amount depends on how hungry your child is.
A three-month-old baby’s sleeping
There have been some significant changes in the range of sleep. You will notice that your child sleeps approximately 15 hours per day, with a slight increase or decrease. However, the majority of his sleep is at night, which provides relief to both parents.
During the day, random bedtime is reduced, and your child begins napping in the middle of the day, followed by longer periods of play. Of course, nap times differ from child to child, and your child may sleep twice during the day.

Some problems that face three-month-old baby
- Changing stool color: babies’ stool color at this age is usually yellow to varying degrees, but it is worth paying attention because babies’ stool color can change (such as bloody stool, filamentous stool, and diarrhea), indicating a problem. You will notice these changes right away, especially if you begin supplementing your child. The best practice is to always check the natural color of the baby’s stool and to communicate with your child’s doctor if you have any concerns or doubts.
- Rashes: babies’ skin is known to be extremely sensitive. A three-month-old baby often suffers from rashes and other skin diseases. However, if your baby has flaky red patches on his skin that are spread throughout his nappy, back, legs, and abdomen, you should take him to the doctor to be evaluated for eczema.
- Choose a secure sleeping location for your child: Now your three-month-old baby is more mobile, it’s time to reconsider your sleeping arrangements and your baby’s sleep. When a baby is 3 months old or older, he or she fluctuates in his or her bed, which poses a real risk to the parents because the baby’s bed is not deep, heavy, or durable. Make sure you follow all safe sleeping guidelines. This includes your baby sleeping in the same room as you (but not in the same bed) until they are at least 6 months old.
- Your baby does not have a health check this month, but you do not have to wait until he is 4 months old if you have any questions. You can, of course, ask your doctor any questions you have.
Practices that promote three-month-old baby’s development
In addition to your usual care and feeding, it is your responsibility to stimulate your three-month-old baby intellectual and cognitive development. The following tips will greatly assist you:
- Singing and talking to your baby are two excellent ways to help his\ her brain develop awareness, understanding, and the ability to distinguish between voices. Changing the tone and manner of your voice helps.
- When you tell him a story or sing him a song, make sure to use his name until he becomes accustomed to it.
- One of the best ways to raise awareness of the world around him is to take him\ her for a walk or while shopping so that he\ she becomes familiar with people as well as adapts to the sounds of cars and vehicles, and you will find him surprised when he\ she sees birds, foliage and roses around him.
- Your baby enjoys playing with his fingers and legs, but he will have even more fun if you put him on his tummy and roll a small ball toward him to try to grab or crawl towards.
Some parents start comparing their three-month-old baby’s growth and movements to other babies. They
may be jealous or defeated if they hear that a baby in the third month sleeps overnight but their little one does not – or that a baby of this age is fatter or longer than their baby. As a result, all parents should be advised that as long as their baby is growing well and healthy within a reasonable time frame, they should not be concerned. If your child exhibits delayed physical or cognitive development, you should always consult with your pediatrician.