Pregnancy Calculator

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Please select the first day of your last menstrual period:

{{ date }}

Usual number of days in your cycle:

Here are the results based on the information you provided:

Your next most fertile period is {{ fertileFrom }} to {{ fertileUntil }}.

If you conceive within this timeframe, your estimated due date will be {{ dueDate }}.

Since your period varies from month to month depending on your mood, physical activity level, and other factors, anticipating these days is akin to aiming at a moving target that is not fixed. If you believe the calculations of this tool are insufficient, you can learn how to manually and accurately calculate it by using the following guide:

  1. First, use the result to determine when the period begins and how many days it lasts: if the new cycle begins 28 days after the first day of the previous cycle, ovulation is likely to occur in the middle of the 28-day period, 14 days after the course begins, or 14 days after the first day.
  2. Second, pay attention to any changes in vaginal secretions: Before ovulation, you may notice clear, sticky liquids that resemble egg whites. After ovulation, these secretions or fluids will turn white and sticky, and the likelihood of pregnancy will be low, if not non-existent.
  3. Third, keep an eye on your body temperature: ovulation can cause a slight rise in body temperature (less than one degree). Measure your body temperature every morning before you get out of bed. You will repeatedly check your temperature. You have to understand that fertility days occur two to three days before your body temperature rises.
  4. Fourth, I recommend that you use an ovulation prediction device, which detects high hormone levels before ovulation by analyzing urine samples. The tool also predicts when ovulation will occur and alerts the user before it happens. To obtain reliable results, you must follow the device's instructions.
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