Your Eight-Month-Old Baby’s Development إقرأ المزيد على بيكوكا:

Your Eight-Month-Old Baby’s Development


The eight-month-old baby begins new adventures, and if he has not started crawling yet, enjoy serenity and calmness because the chaos stage is about to begin.

In this article, we are going to take you on a tour of the important things that happen to your baby this month. We will talk about sleep and nutrition for your baby’s health and also some daily tips to help you make benefit from the time with your baby.

The length of your eight-month-old baby ranges between 66 to 75 cm, while the weight ranges between 7.2 to 10.5 kg. Of course, height and weight vary greatly among babies. But as long as your baby is growing healthy on a flat curve on the chart at the pediatrician and doesn’t see any signs of problems, your baby’s development is on track.

Your little one, like other babies, explores the world around him by putting objects in his mouth. He is also more mobile than before, although he has not yet walked, he crawls and prepares himself for walking by trying to stand and lean on the things around him.

Eighth-month-old baby’s senses 

  1. Hearing: You will notice that your baby understands you when you speak to him, watches TV and cartoon series with interest and enthusiasm, also listens to music, clap, and leans with it right and left.
  2. Sight: Your baby’s vision of things that are close is better than he sees things that are far away, but he is now able to detect things from across the room. He will start to recognize you and other familiar faces from a distance.
  3. Touch: Feeling the shapes and toys grabs the baby’s attention. Door knobs and objects are especially exciting to touch and feel, and your baby becomes very skillful in associating different shapes and textures.
  4. Taste: The baby’s taste buds grow, and he becomes discerning between different foods and their tastes, and he is drawn to the family’s salty and spicy foods.
  5. Smell: The sense of smell increases by the eighth month. You will notice that your baby is trying to tell you that he is hungry and wants to eat when he smells the food.

Eighth-month-old baby’s sleep

Babies at this age sleep 14 to 15 hours a day. The average number of hours of sleep during the night is 10 to 11 hours at night. They also need two naps in the day for about three and a half hours.

Your baby may still wake up at night, but he’s sleeping more hours in the morning. Some babies even sleep through the night for a full 10 to 12 hours at eight-month-old – and if your baby is, you’re in luck! In order to ensure that he sleeps for longer hours, you have to make sure to feed him well before bed, change the diapers, sing to him and get him used to the bedtime tale

Eighth-month-old baby food 

Breastfeeding and formula are still important for your baby. The number of feedings per day ranges from 3 to 5 times per day, or according to the baby’s needs. In addition to 3 or 4 meals and how much your child eats depends on his preferences, do not force him to eat the food he does not like.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), an eight-month-old baby needs 750 to 900 calories per day, of which 400 to 500 calories should come from breast milk or formula.

Many nutritionists suggest focusing on introducing fruits and vegetables into the baby’s meals. And for the mother to accustom her baby to healthy food, he must also get used to a variety of flavors and tastes. And that the mother continues to try to introduce new foods and flavors even if she refuses the first time to be reintroduced later. 

Be careful not to give the eight-month-old baby honey or cow’s milk because they cause food poisoning to him.

Among the babies’ favorite foods this month and recommended by nutrition experts are the following: apples, avocados, carrots, cheese, eggs, mango, pasta, pumpkin, rice, sweet potatoes, tofu, zucchini, and potatoes.

The eighth-month-old baby’s activity

  1. Your baby’s motor skills highly develop, as he learns to sit comfortably and steadily, and tries to push himself into a sitting position when he is on tummy time.
  2. If your baby hasn’t started crawling, it’s already this month and he’ll discover that he can move well when he starts crawling on his bottom.
  3. If your eight-month-old baby has already started crawling, he is now trying to stand up, trying to grab the sofa or grab your legs to stand upright.
  4. Your baby is emotionally connected to the family members close to him, whether they are parents or grandparents, or he may be associated with a particular game. On the other hand, your baby may become shy, so you need to get him used to interacting with others.

How to promote the growth of an eight-month-old baby?

Stimulate your baby’s development in the eighth month with the following guidelines:

  1. It is necessary to bathe your baby daily according to the weather and the environment around you, as well as follow the basic methods of caring for your baby.
  2. Some teeth may appear this month. It requires a safe toothbrush, especially for your baby, as at this age one or two teeth will appear and some babies will have four teeth.
  3. Imitating the sounds of pets living in the house such as a cat and a dog will bring happiness to your baby’s face.
  4. Spend enough time talking to your child, singing songs, and reading books and stories to enhance his language skills.
  5. Play games with your baby that help promote cognition, movement, and coordination, such as Peek-a-Boo.
  6. Give your eight-month-old baby an opportunity to experiment and explore things, even if it means smearing his hair, hands, and face with yogurt or chocolate, or even pulling out tufts of grass in the yard.
  7. To encourage your baby to move freely around the house, rearrange the furniture. The freedom to explore provides your baby with a new view of the world. 

The growth of an eight-month-old baby is characterized by a lot of distinctive and surprising behaviors. But there’s still more excitement in the coming weeks and months as your baby will be stronger, smarter, and more able to sit, crawl, stand and walk.
