Çocuğun yaş hesaplayıcısı Choose your child's date of birth Calculate You are 12 years old! Check out your child’s specifications now first month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← second month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← third month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← Fourth month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← fifth month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← sixth month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← Seventh month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← Eighth month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← Ninth month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← Tenth Month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← eleventh month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ← Twelfth Month Your newborn will start to prefer sweet taste and be... ←